Who Takes the Socks Off?
A comedy podcast where a bunch of friends discuss the questions you never even knew you needed an answer to until you heard them.
If you enjoy shows like QI or No Such Thing as a Fish and want an alternative where the truth is important, but the random banter more so; this is the place for you.
Educational? ... Occasionally.
Irreverent? ... Usually.
Random? ... Always!
59 episodes
Episode 48 - Channel 84 Holiday Special (Audio only version)
For the video version go here: https://youtu.be/w9FFDeAqqwoChristmas time, sausage rolls and wine,children tired and starting to whinewith logs on the fire and feet in their sockschannel 84 are all pulling their...
Season 3
Episode 12
Episode 47 - What would we put in our 2024 wrap-up?
Join us for a self-indulgant (we're nothing if not consistent) look back on our 2024 podcasting madness! It's a long one! (that's what she said... she really didn't)We give thanks to you dear listener(s) for making 2024 a year of fun fi...
Season 3
Episode 11
Episode 46 - Which animal has the most powerful semen?
Animals come in all shapes and sizes, and believe it or not, so does their sperm! Join our socks; Ross and Simon, and the one and only Mr Geoff Jones (probably not the only Geoff Jones, let's be honest. Jones is quite a common name...
Season 3
Episode 10
Socks: On or Off? Episode 10 - Clowning around
Everyone loves clowns right!?Those happy go lucky, cheery fellows, definitely not creepy in the slightest!Well what if I said you could be a clown, well, part clown, for the rest of your life!!But... only the clothes OR the face...
Episode 10
Socks: On or Off? Episode 9 - Sing or dance?
Today we answer another of life's eternal questions: Sing everything or Dance everywhere?Join the hilarity as Ross and Simon play host to Pav from the Top 100 of Anything Podcast, and ask him to make his choice. What situations ...
Episode 9
Socks: On or Off? Episode 8 - Hot food or cold food?
Geoff is here to make Socks: On or Off better with friends... or something. Yes, it's the short format podcast that literally tens of you are waiting for, where we ask someone a "would you rather" style question and see where their answ...
Episode 8
Episode 45 - Are horoscopes just all about Uranus
Horoscopes! Insight into the celestial futures or just a load of old bollocks?Can they sum up a twelfth of the population into handy bite size snippets of benality?Whether you are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sc...
Season 3
Episode 9
Socks: On or Off? Episode 7 - Itch or Stick?
They itch, and stick,They itch and stick and itch,Itch itch itch, stick stick stick,The Itchy & Sticky Show!Yes, another of the A Pint of Cthulhu podcast team joins us on our short format show! This time it's Flower who ...
Episode 7
Socks: On or Off? Episode 6 - Dino or Dragon
One will bite your head off, the other will set your house on fire so which really would make the best pet?Join us and Jay from the A Pint of Cthulhu podcast to find out which one she would chose and why!Spin that wheel!!
Episode 6
Socks: On or Off? Episode 5 - Tux or Speedos?
Episode 5 already, and this time it's Matt from A Pint of Cthulhu facing a random "would you rather" style question! There's no other episode of a podcast that will feature both an Ostrich egg cod piece and a human executive toy, So com...
Episode 5
Episode 44 - Who is the gayest gay in the history of gay?
Bitches Please!That's right, this episode the socks are joined by those self-proclaimed coastal grandmas, The Bitches with Beards, to discuss who is the gayest gay! Ross, Simon, Max and Daniel run down their top 3 gay icons, Sock or...
Season 3
Episode 8
Socks: On or Off? Episode 4 - Horse Duck or Duck Horses?
More from the Channel 84 family in Episode 4 of our new short-form podcast in which we ask our guest a "would you rather" style question and see where we end up.This time it's TJ from The Variety Show and Untitled Trek Show podcasts who...
Episode 4
Socks: On or Off? Episode 3 - Whisper or Shout
Episode 3 of our new short-form podcast in which we ask our guest a "would you rather" style question and see where we end up.In this episode we're joined by Rob from The Untitled Trek Show and Variety Show podcasts, who, despite our (S...
Episode 3
Socks: On or Off? Episode 2 - Hop or Squat?
Welcome to the new short-form outing from your favourite socks!In this series we look to ask our guest a "would you rather" style question rather than the open ended style questions you're used to from us, and see where we end up.
Episode 2
Episode 43 - Would you rather be a Knocknobler or a Knocker Upper?
Knockknoblers & knocker uppers, just two of the jobs lost to history, but what did they actually do? What other jobs have been lost to history, does anyone really want to be the groom of the stool and who out of our socks has come the close...
Season 3
Episode 7
Socks: On or Off? Episode 1 - Same Clothes or Different Clothes?
Welcome to the new short-form outing from your favourite socks!In this series we look to ask our guest a "would you rather" style question rather than the open ended style questions you're used to from us, and see where we end up.
Episode 1
Episode 42 - How on earth did the author of The Human Centipede successfully pitch their idea to Hollywood?
It's infamous and yet somehow it made it past the Hollywood executives.The Human Centipede is without doubt one of the more messed up films to get to the masses but how did it come about? Why did it come about? And, has anyone actually watc...
Season 3
Episode 6
Episode 41 - Why does your brain remember you've forgotten something but not what you've forgotten?
"Memeories, all alone in the moonlight, has the... something... de dum dum, la da dee dum da da" ... or something like that.Yes! In this episode our socks are wondering why it is our memories can be amazing at recall and yet also so com...
Season 3
Episode 5
Episode 40 - Has a hamster ever actually died of natural causes?
Hamsters!Those cute, shy little creatures that adorn houses and classrooms throughout the western world. They don't live that long, but it seems most of them are in a hurry to meet their maker way sooner than they should.
Season 3
Episode 4
Episode 39 - Why did Bungle put on pyjamas to go to bed but wandered about naked all day?
"Up above the streets and houses, rainbow's flying high, everyone can see it smiling, over the sky. Paint the whole world with a rainbow!"Yes, this episode our intrepid socks have donned their rose tinted specs (or in Simon's case black...
Season 3
Episode 3
Episode 38 - Has anyone ever actually taught Grandma how to suck eggs?
"Come on Granny, show us how to suck eggs again" they all cried!Yes, sucking eggs is an obvious pastime for octogenarians. So much so in fact they made a saying about it. The question is, how did all this imbibing of unfertilised chicke...
Season 3
Episode 2
Episode 37 - Is Extra Virgin Olive Oil Just a Massive Prick Tease?
How has extra virgin olive oil managed to stay so untouched for so long? Is it just that no one wan't to go all the way with it, or that there's more to it? While we're on the subject what other food myths are there? (Yes, we know olive...
Season 3
Episode 1
Episode 36 - What are the strangest Christmas traditions?
It's the Socks 2023 Christmas special!We all know about the big fat man in his red suit with his elves and magical flying reindeer etc but have you heard about spiders, witches, yule-time turds, beatings and more!?All this plus ...
Season 99
Episode 2
Episode 35 - What did we not cover the last time we spoke about fake sports we want to see in the Olympics, that could be sports we see in the Olympics, but they're made up, so would we ever see them in the Olympics?
We're back for a one-off special... maybe... maybe we'll do more... who knows!? Certainly not us, but in this very special episode we delve deeper into a topic we covered previously and give our thoughts on which fake (and not so fake) sports s...
Season 99
Episode 1
Episode 34 - Why did they take all the dicks and fannys out of books?
Whatever happened to Dick and Fanny?Why has Enid Blyton's masterpiece trilogy about the magic faraway tree been edited to feature character names never intended to be there?Can we make this episode without somehow getting onto the subje...
Season 2
Episode 22